The Vancouver Heritage Foundation is a fantastic organization, aiming to educate the masses on our wonderful city and ensure heritage homes in Vancouver are preserved and looking their best. The VHF also offers unique walking tours, both guided and through using these handy maps! You can print out a PDF yourself or head to the VHF office to pick one up. Every spring/summer, the VHF also hosts a day long event where you can tour different architectural styles of homes, which include Mid Century Modern, Vancouver Specials, and Heritage Houses. These tours are very cool, with owners opening up their doors to let people see the different styles of architecture, and how you can modernize the interiors while retaining some of the charm.
The walking tours vary, and generally happen in warmer weather but you can find some more information here: Walking Tours in Vancouver.
Check out these Neighbourhood guides, if anything to read, but next time you find yourself with a few hours to spare on a sunny day, take yourself on a walking tour with these guides: Japantown, Chinatown, Carrall St, and Strathcona. You can find them all, including Kitsilano, right here: Map Guides.
Vancouver isn’t that old compared to most cities in the world, but we have a lot of our own history!
Check out our post on Vancouver History!