New Renderings for the Safeway Site at Commercial Drive and E Broadway

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Development Update for Commercial Drive

The Safeway site has been a huge point of contention for residents in the city. The site, located at the intersection of East Broadway and Commercial Drive where the Safeway and Skytrain station are, was a major point in the Grandview Community Plan. Released in 2016, this Community Plan changes the zoning for different lots in Grandview, and discusses things like transit, bike paths and more, had also proposed a few huge towers (for residential, rental and retail) for the Safeway location. The community strongly opposed it, and so the designs have been scaled back, though it will still be a massive project.

The most recent iteration of the project is detailed on the Daily Hive: “‘Vertical Village’ proposed for Commercial-Broadway Station’s Safeway redevelopment“. The latest iteration shows 4 towers offering 649 units, the highest being 24 storeys, on top of a 2 storey commercial/mixed use podium that will include a Safeway, office, retails, daycare and lot of community space.

Check out some renderings below and go to the Daily Hive’s article for the full report on what might be coming up.