Vancouver “Haunted House” to be replaced with new condo block

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On the corner of King Edward and Cambie sits a home that’s been subject to multiple “ghost stories” I’ve heard a few myself but there seem to be multiple articles and message threads about the history of this home. check out this  article for more “stories”

The Project

The City of Vancouver has received an application to rezone 4118-4138 Cambie Street from RS-1 (One-Family Dwelling) District to a CD-1 (Comprehensive Development) District. The proposal is for a 6-storey residential building that includes:

65 residential units;
a building height of 19.5 m (64 ft.) from grade;
a floor space ratio (FSR) of 2.88; and
68 vehicle parking spaces and 91 bicycle spaces.
The application is being considered under the Cambie Corridor Plan.













The Development application can be viewed HERE.