It looks like the infamous highway through East Van is the next development hotspot. With most land here marked light industrial (car sales, body-shops, and mechanics), this is long overdue and will bring some much-needed density to the area. North Kingsway is likely first to come up. Although Westbank’s project on Victoria and Kingsway is leading the way for height and views!
The Development is still in the permit and re-zoning stage but this is what we have so far.
One 12-storey mixed-use building and one four-storey mixed-use building at 3.8 FSR with 122 dwelling units and retail use at grade. The Windsor will offer a mix of 67 x 1-bedroom, 38 x 2-bedroom, and 21 x 3-bedroom homes, of which, six are laneway townhouses. The Windsor will provide 34 commercial and 132 residential vehicle spaces in two levels of underground parking, as well as six bicycle stalls for commercial tenants and 164 stalls for residents.
More information can be found HERE
ANKENMAN AND MARCHAND. Very active and involved in Vancouver’s upcoming CityScape. More information on them and their projects HERE.
The subject site is located on the north side of Kingsway, mid-block between Nanaimo Street and Clarendon Street (see Figure 1). The site is comprised of nine legal parcels and has 90.6 m (297 ft.) of frontage on Kingsway. Seven of the parcels are zoned RT-2 and are currently developed with single-family houses and duplexes. Two parcels at the eastern end of the site are zoned C-2 and are currently developed with a two-storey commercial building. Redevelopment of this site and the surrounding areas is anticipated in accordance with the Norquay Village Neighbourhood Centre Plan. Norquay Plan policies anticipate the adjacent area behind Kingsway evolving over time to accommodate four-storey apartments and other forms of multiple-family dwellings (see Figure 2). The 2400 Motel site across Kingsway is anticipated to include buildings of up to 16 storeys. Transit service to the site is provided by bus routes on Kingsway and Nanaimo Street.
Interested in other pre-sale units? Check out our other blogs HERE and HERE
Contact me anytime!
Charles Filer